MK Hotel Munich-City

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Hunger in the morning...can be appeased at our rich buffet. It is served during the week from 7 am until 10 am, on Saturday from 7:30 am until 10:00 am and on Sunday from 8:00 until 10:30 am. All rooms and public areas have free WiFi. Alternatively, we offer rental

tablet computers. The printer is also available to use for a fee. Explore the city on a rental bike, which you can obtain for € 8.00 per day from us, if available. Our rooms offer Sky premium television with 5 channels. Check-in 24 hours possible: the hotel reception is open until 11 pm. Via our check-in computer the check-in is 24/7 possible, with or without reservation. However, should you require any help we are only a few minutes away from you.

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